Did My Love Life Shrink In The Wash?

Sure, my bedroom gets lots of action. It’s called snoring.
Will and I didn’t have a clue what we were signing up for when we became parents, There’s loads we weren’t warned about:
1) You’ll spend more time spooning your child’s cuddly donkey than your own boyfriend.
2) Communication will be via post-it notes on the fridge, mainly telling him to buy more milk.
3) If you make the mistake of going to a nightclub you’ll nod off, drool, and be woken up by an angry bouncer.
4) In the middle of the night you’ll be begging Siri for advice on getting your baby to sleep. (Whale music doesn’t work.)
5) Sex is something that happened in another dimension.
At least I’ve got Will. Our old life – festivals, sambuca shots, an actual sex life – might be a distant memory but we can get through anything together.
At least that’s what I thought… Until, one day, the unthinkable happens and everything changes. But I love Will, and he loves me, so we can get through anything. Right?
A totally hilarious and absolutely relatable tale for anyone who has survived parenthood purely on microwave meals and wished for an IV drip of coffee to get them through! This uplifting page-turner will make your belly ache with laughter. Perfect for fans of Why Mummy Drinks, Sophie Ranald and Sophie Kinsella.
Please find details of the blog tour that took place from the 11th-17th January 2021. My sincerest thanks to all who participated. A cheeky nudge from me to go and check out their blogs and websites.