#publication day #happydance
There are no words (mainly because I've been at the prosecco). But it's out. Souper Mum has been released into the wild. There are no...

#whoissoupermum? So I’ve given you small clues along the way about Souper Mum’s real identity. Her name is Jools Campbell, she has four...

Helping Souper Mum....
Lots of people asking how to help Souper Mum, how can I get the message out, how can I help her get noticed. She's a classy bird ol'...

Souper Mum: The Soundtrack
A lot of people have asked me about my writing process. What shapes my craft? Why write? How do I find the ruddy time? I’m not sure...

The Launch of Souper Mum
So, I’m sorry for making people cry yesterday. Hopefully, they were good tears because the Hound is better and the story had the...

The Rise of Souper Mum, Part 3
Spanners, works. I know all about those at the moment. We’re out of hospital and back home now. I can hardly see for fatigue. I feel...

The Rise of Souper Mum, Part 2
So what did I say yesterday? A blog post for every day until the 16th! I'm gonna write like a fricking maniac in the run up to my book's...

The Rise of Souper Mum, Part 1
So, tomorrow will mark exactly one week until Souper Mum gets published. How do I feel? I feel like this most days. Occasionally I feel a...

I Heart Half Term
I am truly sorry to anyone I worried last week. It was a low point and I think I was a little tired of putting a brave face on it. ...

Everybody Hurts
So I want to tell you about the last two weeks of my life. They were fucked up. Proper fucked. Before anyone gets worried, everyone is...